SAP KSeF Integration - Structured Invoices

The proprietary SAP system extension designed by Hicron allows you to issue, receive, and store structured invoices.
SAP KSeF Integration - Structured Invoices

Issuing e-invoices is already possible from 1.01.2022, while from 1.02.2026 it is to be mandatory for large entities (whose sales value exceeded PLN 200 million in the previous fiscal year), and two months later – that is, from 1.04.2026, it will be mandatory for all VAT taxpayers, as well as taxpayers exempt from VAT subject and object in terms of issuing invoices.


Since the mandatory nature of KSeF is inevitable, it is important for companies to find an experienced partner who will support the process of integrating the SAP system with the National System of e-Invoices in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Finance. It is advisable to act immediately and prepare for the upcoming changes in order to identify any possible difficulties in advance and gain time for possible process remodeling, introduction of technical changes in selected SAP modules, and their testing.

At Hicron, a team of experts has developed an initial ready-made proprietary extension, based on the Ministry of Finance’s existing guidelines. It will be updated as soon as kolrjnr updates are available. It will allow the SAP system to be fully adapted to the upcoming changes. Structured Invoices is a solution leading to full adaptation of processes to the Ministry’s technical requirements.

What is a structured invoice?

Not every electronic invoice is a structured invoice – it must also contain the information specified in the regulations and be saved in the appropriate format to allow the data contained therein to be read and processed.

The Hicron KSeF solution enables the reporting of data in xml format in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Finance. It provides full automation of the process of sending and receiving e-invoices, thus increasing work efficiency and reducing the risk of mistakes.

What is the National System of e-Invoices?

The National System of e-Invoices is a system developed by the Ministry of Finance that enables entrepreneurs in Poland to receive and issue structured invoices; KseF is a central database of invoices. An invoice is considered issued only after it has been sent to KSeF and assigned an individual number (this number is not the same as the invoice number).

Benefits of implementing structured invoices with Hicron:

  • greater work efficiency thanks to automation;
  • standardization of invoices, making them easier to compile and compare;
  • reduction of VAT refund period from 60 to 40 days;
  • faster document flow;
  • minimum number of errors by creating an invoice template;
  • security of data transmission (direct connection of SAP with KSeF, encryption of the authorization key)
  • easy and constant access to invoices;
  • no need for archiving;
  • no risk of overlooking, losing, or destroying documents (no need to issue duplicates);
  • improved cash flow;
  • ability to automate processes, e.g. checking the compliance of an invoice with an order.

Thanks to a single module and professionally conducted implementation, you can introduce changes in the administration of document flow, increase its efficiency and transparency, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Finance, and enjoy the associated benefits.

KSeF – security, autonomy, automation, and readiness for change

When preparing the Structured Invoice solution, Hicron’s architects and consultants tried not only to respond to all the needs related to the integration of SAP with KSeF, but also to alleviate any related concerns.

In connection with the introduction of the new provision, customers are concerned about:

  • possible delays in the delivery of invoices to the KSEF;
  • financial data leakage;
  • rising costs of the service that were not included in the valuation, e.g. subscription cost
  • subsequent amendments to the act on electronic invoices, which will require costly upgrades of already implemented software;
  • the method of handling consents to e-invoices or the possibility of adding attachments to them.

In our offer, we focused on four aspects to calm customers’ doubts:


security with ksef

The architecture used supports the security of the processed data. This is particularly important because the files sent to KSeF contain confidential data. The module proposed by Hicron does not require connection to an external service or space (e.g. a cloud). Communication runs directly between the SAP system and KSeF, ensuring full security and confidentiality of data.


Integration with KSeF allows you to create a central point for managing the invoicing process in the enterprise, improving the flow of information and increasing its efficiency. Communication takes place directly between SAP and the KSeF system of the Ministry of Finance, which reduces installation and configuration time and allows for quick problem diagnosis and resolution.


woman work on computer with ksef

The integration of the National System of e-Invoices and SAP saves employees’ time and increases their efficiency. Direct sending of e-invoices to the KSeF system harmonizes and synchronizes the entire process (automatic login to KSeF with the use of a token and automation of XML sending), and at the same time leaves full control over incoming and outgoing documents and has the option of current preview, so accountants can focus on performing other duties.

Readiness for change

Thanks to our experience in implementing a solution that automates the submission of the Standard Audit File, we know how important it is for the offered extension to remain open to changes and allow for trouble-free updates, so that it can always be adapted to the current legal situation.

In the proprietary Hicron extension, we focused on an easy-to-use and intuitive interface, using knowledge in the field of UX. In order to increase the visual attractiveness of the application, it is also possible to enrich it with the Fiori layer. A clear panel makes it easier for the user to navigate and does not require additional, extensive training to prepare for the use of the solution.

Hicron’s solution

Hicron’s proprietary module integrates the SAP system with the electronic invoice platform and ensures direct and secure communication between them. Efficient implementation of SAP and KSeF integration includes:

  • mapping of ministerial structures with document structures in SAP, allowing xml files to be sent and unpacked;
  • enabling the SAP system to receive feedback from KSeF on invoice rejection or acceptance.

ksef architecture

The Hicron e-invoice solution also provides access to the document with accurate logs, which enables quick detection and correction of errors. Our on-premise system based on S4HANA is not only safe, but also very efficient. The HANA database is an innovative technology that relies on the transfer of management of large data sets from disk space to operating memory, which improves the speed of processing and sharing this data. In addition, when processing a large number of invoices, it is financially more advantageous than a cloud-based solution. It is important to start preparing now and find an experienced partner who will help you to fully integrate with the National System of e-Invoices within the statutory deadline.

Why cooperate with Hicron?

Team of experienced experts
We have 16 years of experience in the implementation, development, and modification of SAP systems in Poland, including the preparation of the proprietary Hicron JPK solution. Our team combines competences in designing dedicated SAP solutions and knowledge in the area of law and business. We know the challenges our clients face and we support them in choosing the most optimal solutions.
Flexible solution
The Structured Invoices module allows you to quickly introduce changes and updates to match the current legal situation and new technical requirements.
From concept to maintenance
At Hicron, we offer comprehensive support for the integration of the National System of e-Invoices with SAP. We start our cooperation from developing a concept for the solution and its functioning together with the client, and then we implement it in accordance with the arrangements made. Another strength of our service is post-implementation support.
We attach great importance to the security of our business partners’ data. We know how dangerous cyber-attacks can be to your business, so we make every effort to make sure your IT infrastructure remains protected. The multi-tiered architecture of ERP systems is conducive to maintaining security, as is extensive policy on the allocation of resource authorizations. In this regard, we also pay attention to the education and training of employees on both the client’s and our side.
One-time fee
The valuation of the implementation of electronic invoicing performed by our experts is fully transparent. This is a one-time fee, which also includes the license price. Our business partners are also not obliged to pay any monthly fees. Costs are independent of the number of documents, time or inflation.
A support service tailored to your needs
We set the terms of an independent service contract in detail, specifying its subject and scope. It may be limited to the implemented KSeF solution or cover other services. Our SAP system support and maintenance department serves over 200 customers in 5 languages.

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