SAP for chemicals industry

SAP for chemicals industry

Chemical sector – on the path of innovation

The chemical industry is subject to fluctuations due to its high dependence on the development of other sectors of the economy: agriculture, construction, household chemicals, and others, which is why it is often characterized by price volatility related to changes in demand, as well as limited production growth. Low growth dynamics are forcing companies in this industry to look for new solutions and take steps to improve strategic flexibility. Chemical companies are turning to innovation and advanced technology to meet market demands and remain competitive. All this to adapt their offers more quickly to fluctuations in raw material prices and changing demand.

Towards sustainable development

Due to climate change and the regulations aimed at mitigating it, the chemical industry must adapt to increasing and dynamic regulations focused on sustainable development and reducing emissions. This, in turn, is forcing chemical companies to look beyond traditional approaches to production and management.

Adapting to regulations on chemical waste management, CO2 emissions, or the use of renewable raw materials requires significant changes in the way chemical companies operate and invest in new technologies. However, the implementation of innovative solutions can be hampered by the need to adapt to environmental regulations in different regions of the world. To meet expectations and maintain a stable market position, it is important to remain open and flexible.

Chemical industry and availability of raw materials

Another challenge for the chemical industry is the limited availability of raw materials, which can lead to disruptions in the supply chain and production continuity. This results in problems with order fulfillment, delivery delays, and – consequently – financial losses. Additionally, material shortages lead to increased operating costs. Chemical companies are forced to increase the prices of their end products, which has an impact on market competitiveness.

Raw material shortages threaten the ability of chemical companies to meet market demand. Production constraints often result in the loss of customers to competitors who use resources more efficiently. As a result, improvements in this area are critical to business continuity.

Chemical sector faces energy market volatility

The chemical industry is characterized by a high demand for energy resources such as natural gas and crude oil, and changing energy prices affect not only production costs but also profitability. The inability to immediately adjust prices to fluctuating energy costs creates the risk of reduced profit margins. Chemical companies must constantly adjust their pricing strategies. Changes in the energy market also affect the ability to plan finances and investments over the long term, which in turn hinders development and innovation. Another challenge for the chemical industry is the uncertain geopolitical situation and international tensions, which destabilize the market and cause disruptions in the supply chain.

SAP implementation in chemical industry – an investment in efficient management

Building an advanced IT structure supports the efficient management of resources, production, and supplies, resulting in a reduced risk of business interruption for chemical companies. In order to meet the numerous challenges faced by the industry, it is important to integrate the operations of various areas of the business on a single platform, such as SAP S/4HANA Cloud. It is a ready-to-run ERP system in the cloud and an innovative tool that improves business process management and increases operational efficiency.

SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud
SAP S/4 HANA Private Cloud

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – a digital foundation for company development

Implementing the SAP S/4HANA Cloud solution leads to process optimization and automation, as well as increased business flexibility. The tool enables integrated operations management and smooth implementation of innovations.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud as laboratory software

SAP S/4HANA Cloud is an effective way to streamline operations for companies in the chemical industry. The solution provides easy access to advanced analytical tools as well as the ability to generate comprehensive reports and track market trends. The result is more informed, data-driven business decisions about energy sourcing, resource management, and production. SAP S/4HANA Cloud leverages artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to enable effective demand forecasting and supply chain optimization.

This advanced SAP chemical industry platform helps chemical companies increase operational efficiency, improve decision-making, enhance strategic planning, and ensure data consistency and quality. It also enables the development of action templates and redefinition of processes based on industry best practices.

Efficient energy management with SAP chemical engineering solutions

Integration with production management systems helps optimize energy consumption and prevent raw material shortages, which are a major challenge for the chemical industry. As a result, the impact of energy price fluctuations on operations is minimized and costs are reduced. Analyzing data in real time makes it easier to manage risk and plan your next steps in response to changes in the energy market. Additionally, SAP S/4HANA makes it easier to make strategic decisions about investing in energy-saving technologies. The system helps chemical companies innovate and maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

SAP chemical industry solution – raw material demand planning

With SAP S/4HANA Cloud, chemical companies can improve planning and forecasting of raw material demand. Predicting their shortages with advanced analytical tools is no longer a challenge. The ability to analyze data in real time allows you to prepare for limited material availability and optimize inventory levels, minimizing the risk of production disruptions and order fulfillment delays. SAP S/4HANA Cloud supports supply chain management, making relationships with suppliers more efficient and transparent. The system facilitates rapid response to changes in raw material availability and diversification of sources.

SAP implementation in chemical industry to support sustainable development

SAP S/4HANA offers numerous functionalities that facilitate the management of compliance with environmental regulations. The SAP chemical engineering system identifies and assesses the risks associated with chemical activities, monitors pollutant emissions, and provides easy access to chemical data. As a result, meeting sustainability standards does not require a lot of effort. SAP S/4HANA also increases the efficiency of product lifecycle management, from concept to disposal. This encourages chemical companies to develop environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions.

An innovative cloud ERP system helps companies document their green activities. It also enables them to analyze the environmental impact of their products and manage their carbon footprint by identifying areas with the highest CO2 emissions.

SAP S/4HANA – flexibility and scalability

SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a cloud platform that allows companies to quickly implement changes and updates without having to invest in new IT infrastructure. The system has a modular structure and can be adapted to the current needs of companies in the chemical industry and introduce the necessary changes as they evolve. Flexible cloud architecture facilitates rapid adaptation to market requirements. This enables efficient introduction of new products and modification of existing production processes. SAP S/4HANA Cloud also offers unlimited scalability. The innovative SAP chemicals industry tool supports companies in their development and expansion into new markets.

Intelligent cloud solution – towards automation

With SAP S/4HANA Cloud, companies in the chemical industry can automate routine processes and optimize various areas of their operations. Automating order management, inventory control, or customer service allows team members to focus on strategic and innovative initiatives. It also helps reduce costs, make better use of resources, and limit the risk of errors.

SAP S/4HANA streamlines the flow of information across the enterprise, improves the coordination of activities, and eliminates information silos. Integrating AI and machine learning is a way to obtain intelligent recommendations and increase the efficiency of operations. With a cloud ERP system, chemical companies can prepare for the future and take full advantage of emerging opportunities.

Case study

Novol is the largest Polish manufacturer of car painting materials. In order to optimize the process of preparing paint and varnish colours for individual customer orders, Novol decided to implement SAP Variant Configurator. As a result, the implementation of the solution by Hicron made the process shorter and increased the overall functionality of the system.

During the three years of cooperation in the development of the SAP system, Hicron consultants more than once proved their competence and understanding of our business, especially in the area of logistics. That is why we decided to entrust Hicron with the task of preparing and implementing the variant configurator. The work on the solution went very smoothly, according to our expectations. Saving time, minimizing the possibility of errors, and increasing the comfort of work are the main benefits that we gained thanks to the implementation.

Tomasz Włodarczak
Case study

PCC Rokita has set another step towards growth. It was a project to implement SAP CRM to increase control over sales processes. The company chose Hicron as an implementation partner because of our international experience in SAP CRM implementation and rollouts.

We were looking for two features in our future implementation partner. We wanted our partner to have a skilled team of consultants experienced in the implementation of CRM systems. On the other hand, we wanted to cooperate with a company that would implement the CRM system in accordance with the methodology accepted for this type of project. Hicron has fully met our expectations.

Marek Pytowski
Head of the ERP Systems Team at PCC IT PCC Rokita

Hicron – support from an experienced partner

Transparent operation
Implementing an advanced SAP S/4HANA solution requires collaboration with a trusted partner. Hicron has been on the market for many years and offers professional support in implementing and operating innovative systems. We provide reliable and comprehensive support at every stage of implementation, transparency in our activities, open communication, and commitment. What makes us different is our individual approach to Clients, based on understanding their needs, expectations, and capabilities.
International experience
Hicron operates globally, cooperating with renowned companies with an international reach. Extensive, specialized knowledge of the SAP system allows us to meet any challenge. We cooperate with partners from various industries, sharing our experience and proven solutions.
Comprehensive support
Hicron is an excellent guide to the world of SAP for chemical engineers. Our company will not only implement the system, but also provide comprehensive support in its use. We guarantee flexible forms of cooperation and an innovative approach to project implementation. Our competences are confirmed by numerous certificates such as PCoE (Partner Center of Expertise) and TISAX. Invest in the development of your company and start working with us!

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