How to copy data from SAP to Excel?

How to copy data from SAP to Excel?
Exporting data from SAP to Excel facilitates information processing and efficient analysis. It also allows combining the entered information with other data sets in the software to generate comprehensive reports. How to copy data from SAP to Excel? We prepared a short guide to help you utilize this helpful feature. Follow the steps below to export information from the system quickly and efficiently.

Step-by-step SAP instructions

1. Display data in SAP, e.g. in the sample table in transaction SE16N.

2. Select the data with your mouse, copy, and paste it into the Excel spreadsheet using the Ctrl+V shortcut.

3. Alternatively, select “Export” → “To Excel File” from the menu bar.

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You now know how to copy data from SAP. We hope that our tips were helpful and made your task easier. Now you can export information from the system to Excel, which will undoubtedly streamline your work, increase its efficiency, and allow you to perform comprehensive analyses. Need more support with your SAP experience? Contact a Hicron consultant who will be happy to share their knowledge with you and clarify any doubts you may have about using the tool.

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