Hicron is a trusted supplier of SAP and other IT solutions. We are a Team of Experts with unique competences. In the world of advanced technologies, we operate close to the needs of Clients, offering tailor-made solutions and focusing on good long-term relationships. This approach runs through our DNA. Hicron. VisiON Architect. SolutiON Maker.
Eliminating technological gaps in Clients’ businesses combined with care for the long-term development of their organizations – these are the foundations of the way we work. As an SAP Partner and a modern software house, Hicron has chosen as its mission the precise and effective implementation of advanced IT solutions for business. 

Hicron Management board

remigiusz effinowicz
Remigiusz Efinowicz

CEO Hicron

Krzysztof Rewers

CFO Hicron

Szymon Włochowicz

COO Hicron

pawel kresak
Paweł Kresak

CCO Hicron

Hicron Management board

Davide Li Cavoli
Davide Li Cavoli

CEO Hicron Schweiz

Hicron Management board

slawomir dabek
Sławomir Dąbek

Lead Solution Architect

Anna Kopczyńska

Chief Financial Officer Hicron Australia

Jakub Woliński

Managing Director Hicron Australia

pawel kresak
Paweł Kresak

Non-Executive Director Hicron Australia

Hicron Managing Directors

Szymon Włochowicz

Managing Director

pawel kresak
Pawel Kresak

Managing Director


Ireneusz Czapski
Ireneusz Czapski

Managing Partner

Adam Warszewski

Sales Director, Managing Partner

Robert Stiller
Robert Stiller

Sales Director, Managing Partner

Janusz Wawrzyniak
Janusz Wawrzyniak

Managing Partner, Solution Architect

Our values at Hicron

The future of business is based on IT tools. We are ready for it. Our motivation and proactive attitude is expressed in our slogan: VisiON Architect. SolutiON Maker. The five values of our company – or Hi!Five – have served as Hicron’s foundation since the very beginning.


We keep our commitments and communicate in an honest and open way. We are available and helpful both within our own Teams and towards our Clients.

Humanistic Approach - LION

We build long-term relationships, understand and support Clients’ businesses, and help achieve competitive advantage. We are oriented towards the expectations and capabilities of the Client and our Teams.

Commitment - EAGLE

The sense of meaning of our work is one of the most engaging factors. At Hicron we believe in what we do, and our solutions are changing the face of modern business. We continuously pursue the goal of developing the technological capabilities of our Clients.

Quality - BEAR

We strive for excellence in every respect and try to perform the entrusted tasks in the best way possible. We are specialists in our fields. Our competences are impressive, which is why we inspire trust.

Responsibility - OWL

We anticipate the effects of our actions and always try to be a step ahead in innovative solutions. All this to predict and minimize risks and, at the same time, keep our obligations.

New office in Malaga!

The new headquarters of Hicron is the economic center of Andalusia in Spain belonging to the EU, as well as a developed academic center with excellent air connections with other countries. Malaga provides us with friendly and stable business support and the potential of access to IT specialists. Our experts employed in the Spanish company are an extension of the already operating Hicron teams.

Hicron’s 15th birthday!

We are the largest independent company in the CEE region in our area of expertise. Only last year we supported the first implementations of 3 innovative SAP products. We are growing and consolidating our position with a boutique approach to DSS services, which have become a strategic element of our portfolio. The place where we are now is the sum of many events, decisions, cooperation, and hard operational work! Thank you for your work and trust!

A system for the third decade!

We intensified our works on a new ticket system, which will improve the activities both inside our organization and service work for clients. It is a complicated and extremely valuable project!

Asia and Australia

We establish Hicron Australia Pty Ltd and send a team of consultants to Australia to cooperate with new clients. But these are not our first experiences on this market – we took our first steps in Australia in 2013.

10th birthday & SAP Quality Award for Hicron

Our tenth birthday was not the only reason to celebrate! Our SAP DBM implementation project in AAB in Qatar received the first place in the SAP Quality Awards competition in the prestigious Business Transformation category for the MENA region and a bronze medal in the finals of the competition for the EMEA region.

Management reorganization

We prepare for the next 10 years and move our headquarters to Sky Tower, the most modern building in Wrocław. We implement tools supporting our internal organization, including soft HR and agile management methodologies.

We enter the MENA market

Constantly looking for geographically new markets, we start our first projects in the MENA region. Following the opportunities to use our unique competences, we achieve our first successes in Qatar.

We aggregate new technologies

We invest heavily in building a non-SAP team (now Digital Software Services), extending the portfolio of Hicron products with JAVA and .NET technologies and supplementing our activity in the area of SAP solutions with the capabilities of a modern software-house.

We join forces in the Hicron Group

Together with Datarino, Grinn, and Rhino, we expand our competences by establishing the Hicron Group, where comprehensive IT solutions are created to support the development of modern business. We turn our attention to Big Data, telemetry, R&D, and equipment design, looking for new tools for our clients.

SAP partner implements its own SAP

The company is growing dynamically. We are increasing employment exponentially. The implementation of SAP systems, which we carry out on a daily basis for our clients, means an increase in Hicron’s operational efficiency. Therefore, we begin the process of optimizing internal business processes, starting with the area of finance.

Hicron Schweiz is brought to life

Intensification of activities on the DACH market and a broad expansion plan result in the creation of a subsidiary company to work in this area. Relations with a key client in Switzerland and the largest vehicle dealer in that market – AMAG – are becoming stronger.

Consolidation of Hicron’s structure

We continue the previously chosen direction of development. Hicron Consulting strengthened its position on the domestic market and merged with Hicron Sp. z o.o.: the purpose of the consolidation was a common portfolio, synergy of activities on all markets, and higher process efficiency.

Hicron avoids the global economic crisis

While the US and Europe are struggling with an economic breakdown at the end of the year, Hicron is not losing power. The company’s long-term strategy allows us to implement new projects with new clients, including Kompania Piwowarska owned by the Japanese concern Asahi.

Hicron Consulting is established

Our competences in the field of SAP ERP system implementation also include consulting and advisory services, which we skillfully combine at Hicron Consulting and Hicron.

We enter the market!

Hicron Sp. z o.o. is established in Wrocław. At the beginning, this small company is focused on the development of software complementing SAP functionalities, and its clients are... large international companies from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Sweden.

Hicron build cooperation on trust

The experience of Hicron experts allows us to support Clients not only in technical matters, but also advise them in process areas on their way to business and digital transformation. The role of a Trusted Advisor is a result of several years of focusing on Client needs and careful activities carried out by Hicron.  Meet your people at Hicron!
See our team
business meeting
Discover the strengths of Hicron!

We develop SAP systems for our clients, for SAP SE, and international SAP companies around the world – as a subcontractor and business partner. Certificates emphasize our competences.

sap pcoe

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