SAP Field Service Management

SAP FSM aims at enhancing the entire sphere connected with service management, simplification of service processes, as well as acquisition of opinions and assessments of service operations.

Customer Experience in SAP solutions

SAP FSM (Field Service Management) redefines the concept of Customer service in a situation where service repairs are required, introducing a solution which assists in managing the failure reporting process in a comprehensive manner: on the part of the customer – providing them with an intuitive application for contact with Customer Service; on the part of the serviceman – delivering a platform for notification management, its execution and assessment of effectiveness.

The solution has been designed in line with Customer Experience principles. Apart from increased satisfaction on the part of the Customer, acceleration and simplification of the process of reporting a repair need, transparency of reports, and higher accuracy of analyses with regard to the quality of Customer service are the basic benefits of using the solution from the perspective of a company implementing it.

Watch our SAP FSM Demo

This demo presents solution features designed and implemented at a Hicron client – a market leader in distribution and servicing of equipment for HoReCa idustry.

Solution features

Depending on the type of business rendering repair and maintenance services, different elements of the SAP Field Service Management solution can be applied, increasing the speed and effectiveness of the customer service process:

Analytics and Dashboards
Analytical solutions allowing one to assess quality of delivered services in an effective and ongoing manner, with regard to the customer’s needs. It also gives possibility to analyse profitability and losses on servicing particular machine or a type of machine, a single customer or group of customers.
Customer Self-service
A portal for communication with service and a knowledge base in one. A Customer expecting assistance scans the code, moving to the portal with information about the product and equipment, an instruction manual, contact to a serviceman and a lot of other information.
Knowledge Management
a platform for Customer Service workers and technicians, constituting a knowledge base. It may be equipped with checklists of tasks to be performed.
Workforce Scheduling & Field Service Dispatching Software is a tool for management of notifications and delegating staff members to take up particular service notifications
Mobile App
An application for servicemen for remote management and execution of the repair process (access to customer data, details and history of repairs)
Work Order Management
a solution which enables one to determine where to quickly acquire missing parts, useful for Crowd Service field servicemen.

How it works


in case of a failure, a customer uses his/her phone to scan the QR code or barcode on the device which needs to be repaired. He/she goes to a website at which they can automatically submit a service request, arrange a visit with a technician or order a damaged part, avoiding the necessity to call the helpline, send an email or search for a serviceman on their own. It is also possible to place an instruction for independent repair of a defect and fault in the application or to contact the technical team on a remote basis.

The process connected with service is very clear, providing a customer with precise information on what stage of the process they are in, what options of repair and communication with the service department are possible, when and how the repair will be conducted. From the moment of submitting the service request, customers can view the request status on their telephone.


contact with the Customer is much simpler and more transparent, allowing repairs to be executed faster. Furthermore, the number of queries sent directly to a consultant is lower due to the possibility of repairing a defect on one’s own. The SAP FSM solution enables one to prepare a checklist for Customer Service workers or technicians, making the repair process easier.

Solution benefits

  • reduced load on telephone customer service thanks to, among others, the self-service function
  • lower maintenance costs and increased efficiency
  • improved maintenance quality
  • transparency of the maintenance process from the point of view of the customer, maintenance service, and maintenance technicians
  • greater impact on brand image, satisfaction of business partners and customers
  • understanding the needs of the end customer by applying the principles of Customer Experience

For what companies

SAP FSM streamlines the maintenance management and repair processes and makes it easier to obtain customer feedback. The solution meets the requirements of all companies that provide equipment maintenance to their business partners, subcontractors, and customers (individuals or businesses) or mediate in the process of maintenance technician assignment:

equipment rentals
(e.g. construction, household appliances, vehicles)
service providers
(e.g. car washes, public laundries, internet providers)
equipment distributors
(e.g. slot machines, beverages, printers, etc.)
sketch of the human figure
insurance companies
service providers
numerous other types of enterprises offering maintenance services to individuals and business clients

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