SAP for automotive industry

SAP for automotive industry

Automotive industry – on the path to innovation

The pace of change in the business landscape presents many challenges for companies in the automotive industry. The desire to remain competitive is driving them to seek new solutions, as well as to make changes toward electrifying cars and making their production more economical. This is complemented by the constant pressure on margins and customer expectations related to autonomous vehicles. Achieving strategic goals requires innovative approaches, effective management, and efficient operations.

Race for competitive advantage

The pressure for continuous development of companies in the automotive industry results, among other things, from the high level of competition in the market. The companies compete not only with well-known manufacturers, but also with new players. Gaining an edge requires considerable effort focused on increasing the efficiency of processes and attracting the interest of potential customers. In order to remain competitive and profitable, organizations are looking for ways to expand into new regions and towards new business models.

The lack of solutions to implement and manage them is a significant limitation for companies in the automotive industry. In many cases, the effectiveness of supply chain planning needs to be improved, resulting in longer lead times for subsequent stages, disruptions, and unexpected changes.

Automotive industry – new technologies

Staying competitive also means meeting customer expectations. One of them is autonomous driving. The development of autonomous cars based on innovative technology is one of the challenges that automotive companies are facing today. Wanting to provide their customers with access to advanced digital services, they are turning to modern solutions and looking for ways to increase process efficiency.

In order to accelerate the pace of innovation, automotive companies need experienced specialists. Finding and keeping them in the company is another difficulty that stands in the way of development and achieving the desired goals. The shortage of experts such as engineers, programmers, data analysts, or environmental specialists can lead to delays in implementing innovative solutions, loss of competitiveness, and hampered development.

Sustainability in the automotive industry

Climate change and high levels of pollution are driving automotive companies to implement green drive systems and manufacturing solutions. Businesses are faced with the growing environmental awareness of their customers, as well as increasingly restrictive legal regulations regarding exhaust emissions, limiting the consumption of natural resources, and the development of alternative energy sources. The current situation requires them to adapt their production strategies and offers to current market needs and societal expectations, as well as to invest in research and development of new technologies.

SAP for automotive – reliable support for business activities

Implementing a ready-to-run ERP system in the cloud is a response to the needs of companies in the automotive industry. The SAP S/4HANA Cloud solution provides easy access to standardized processes and modern solutions designed specifically for the automotive industry. The tool enables smooth scaling, automation of activities, and increased flexibility. It is a way to accelerate the implementation of innovations, improve productivity, and support expansion into new regions with new business models.

At Hicron, we have competence and experience in implementing SAP industry solutions for the automotive industry. We have supported our clients in projects such as creating product catalogs and vehicle configurators, as well as system functionalities for managing processes related to vehicles, parts, and warranty claims (dealer portal, Vehicle Management System, Warranty Solution). We used the latest technologies and proprietary components implementing the functions of these solutions based on SAP Fiori.

SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud
SAP S/4 HANA Private Cloud
Hicron offer for Automotive

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – comprehensive SAP solutions for automotive industry

SAP S/4HANA Cloud provides convenient access to industry best practices, proven tools, and pre-built, easy-to-use interfaces. The system offers real-time visibility into company operations, ensuring consistency and efficiency of actions.

SAP for automotive industries – business process automation

Automating business processes and using artificial intelligence not only increases the efficiency of operations and minimizes the risk of errors, but also improves the customer experience for companies in the automotive industry. SAP S/4HANA Cloud grows with your business and adapts to your changing needs. It enables you to standardize transactions, perform in-depth analyses, and plan effectively. Intuitive, supplier-centric solutions facilitate real-time inventory management across the supply chain.

SAP S/4HANA enables rapid implementation of acquisitions and efficient consolidation of resources. It meets the needs of geographic regions covered by the expansion plans of automotive companies. It also helps to effectively forecast and manage demand, opportunities, and operational risks, and to optimize vehicle distribution chains to increase sales. Integrating all business processes on a unified platform provides benefits such as increased workflow transparency, revenue maximization, improved efficiency, and more effective management.

SAP – ERP for automotive in the cloud

Implementing SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a way to accelerate time-to-market, shorten the development cycle, and reduce development costs. The advanced solution also enables efficient monitoring of production processes and operations, and reduces business disruptions. Automatic system updates do not require the use of existing company IT resources. They also increase data security. SAP S/4HANA Cloud helps eliminate disruptions caused by changing demand and helps automotive companies drive innovation.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – reliable SAP solutions for automotive industry

The advanced system enables automotive companies to identify the needs of their customers and take effective actions to satisfy them within a specified time frame. It is an investment in a better shopping experience and improved customer experience management. Multichannel service helps build their engagement and improve their relationship with the company. In turn, integrating production and logistics processes helps meet customer demand and adjust delivery schedules accordingly. With SAP S/4HANA, you can improve customer satisfaction and increase service revenue.

Automotive industry – SAP for more efficient management

With real-time visibility into data, you can better manage costs and plan activities and expenses. Internal operations become more transparent, allowing you to make more informed business decisions and manage your company more effectively. Greater transparency also helps you optimize financial operations, anticipate market changes, manage disruptions, and ensure business continuity.

Implementing SAP S/4HANA also means lower production, inventory, and research costs. The system’s advanced capabilities help bring new products to market faster, giving you a competitive advantage. They also improve on-time delivery and the accuracy of sales forecasts.

SAP solutions for automotive industry – implementation

According to research conducted by SAP in 2023, modern SAP S/4HANA cloud software can improve customer satisfaction by 15-40%. All thanks to more efficient management of complaints and returns, more effective monitoring of product quality, and transparent communication. The system promotes an increase in the share of new customers in revenues (5-15%) and better personalization of services. Implementation of the tool led to a reduction in customer churn by 1-20%.

The implementation of SAP for automotive allows to reduce the loss of revenue due to stock shortages (1-30%) and to decrease unplanned downtime and breakdowns, thus increasing the efficiency of the operations of companies in the automotive industry. Through automation and access to practical functions, SAP S/4HANA can increase employee engagement by 10-20%. Easy access to real-time data improves reporting efficiency by 10-40%. The system reduces the total cost of logistics, production, and asset maintenance.

Did you know that 97% of the world’s most successful automotive companies use SAP solutions? The platform supports business processes across multiple segments of the automotive ecosystem, including manufacturers, parts suppliers, and dealers, unlocking the potential of businesses and enabling them to meet current challenges.

Case study

Maflow Group is a manufacturer of components for the Automotive industry. Due to the expansion of the company's operations to new foreign markets, the Group was looking for a solution that would allow for standardization of management and optimization of operational processes. In response to the client's needs, Hicron implemented the SAP ERP system for Maflow Group.

Hicron completed all the contracted works at lightning speed, which was a pleasant surprise. Professional delivery of this essential functionality was extremely important to us.

Bartłomiej Irczyk
IT Director at Maflow Group

Hicron – trusted partner in SAP S/4HANA implementation

Professional and experienced team
Implementing the advanced SAP S/4HANA cloud solution is smooth and fast when you work with a trusted and experienced partner like Hicron. We emphasize openness with our Clients, focusing on an individual approach to each of them, taking into account the specifics of their industry, current needs, and opportunities. Our priorities are transparent communication, high availability, and flexibility.
We operate on the domestic and foreign markets
Hicron has extensive experience in implementing SAP solutions not only on the domestic market, but also internationally. The number of companies we have helped in their digital transformation is constantly growing. Among them, there is no shortage of companies from the automotive industry. Our experts not only have extensive knowledge of the system and its numerous functionalities, but are also ready to share it with Hicron’s Clients. They do it with pleasure and commitment. The company has cooperated with many renowned companies from various industries.
Support tailored to your business
Need help exploring the world of SAP? Planning to implement a system that will improve the efficiency of your company’s operations? Let us help you. Hicron specialists will not only implement the tool, but also make it easier for you to use it. We work innovatively, based on the chosen form of cooperation. We hold numerous certificates, such as PCoE (Partner Center of Expertise) or TISAX, which guarantee our competence. Contact us to learn more and take advantage of our offer!

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