SAP for high tech

SAP for high tech

Bringing production closer to markets

Growing local production and bringing supply chains closer to the market is one of the challenges facing technology companies today. Adapting to current trends and customer expectations comes at a high cost, putting a significant strain on their budgets. Investing in new production and logistics infrastructure takes time as well as money, and changing production locations means training and hiring new staff, which can be fraught with difficulties.

Technology companies are forced to adapt to local regulations, taking into account different aspects of sustainable development. New barriers also emerge, such as the volatility of raw material prices or logistical problems. Overcoming them requires effective risk management, a strategic approach, and flexibility.

New financial models

Another challenge for the high-tech sector is the rising cost of capital. To meet this challenge, these companies are using risk sharing models that require advanced financial analysis and tools. Risk sharing models often rely on collaboration with other entities, which can create difficulties in negotiating and managing relationships with new partners.

The rising cost of capital means that the availability of financing for the advanced technology sector is limited and alternative sources must be sought. Effective risk management is also required to identify threats and prevent loss of financial stability. The need to comply with current regulatory requirements for financing is an additional burden.

Improving operational efficiency

High IT costs have an impact on the operational efficiency of high technology companies. The need to make significant investments in software development, infrastructure maintenance, and the integration of new technologies often leads to delays in project implementation. This also limits the ability of high-tech companies to allocate financial resources to other areas of their business, such as marketing or expansion into new markets.

The integration of acquisitions and sale of branches are also associated with increased costs. These processes require significant resources and present challenges related to ensuring consistency across IT systems and managing cultural and organizational differences. Their lengthy implementation disrupts operational fluidity and the ability of high-tech companies to respond quickly to market changes.

Instability of traditional supply chains

Due to the instability of traditional supply chains, technology companies face challenges in fulfilling orders and delivering products on time. Global geopolitical and climatic challenges cause delays in the production and transportation of components and disrupt supply chains that rely on an international network of suppliers.

In the event of component availability issues, reliance on specific suppliers that serve many high-tech companies can cause delays throughout the production line. The complexity of technology products means that they require numerous components from multiple sources. The lack of any one of these components can affect the entire production schedule, causing delays and ultimately increased costs due to the need to find alternative suppliers. Delays in order fulfillment can mean a loss of competitiveness and customer satisfaction for advanced technology companies.

SAP high tech solutions – toward new business models

The challenges facing technology companies today are forcing them to move away from traditional business models and seek new solutions. SAP can support their efforts to manage supply chains, optimize processes, and improve operational efficiency. The system provides access to advanced analytical tools. It enables the introduction of automation and numerous improvements in many areas of activity for companies in the advanced technology sector, making it easier to plan, monitor data, and respond to change.

SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud
SAP S/4 HANA Private Cloud

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – digital transformation

SAP S/4HANA Cloud helps high-tech companies become more resilient to today’s challenges, while maintaining flexibility, openness to innovation, and scalability. It facilitates expansion into new business models. The advanced cloud ERP system provides access to real-time data and enables effective resource and risk management.

SAP high tech – local production management

Bringing production closer to the market can bring many benefits to high-tech companies, including reduced delivery times, lower costs, and increased operational flexibility. SAP S/4HANA Cloud helps high-tech companies implement changes and manage local production. The system’s advanced analytics and ability to process data in real time make it easier to plan production activities and adapt production plans to changing market conditions and local regulations.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud is an effective way to optimize logistics. The advanced cloud solution enables more effective supply management and faster response to customer needs. It includes pre-configured industry best practices to help standardize, automate, and ensure consistency in business processes.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – for cost optimization

SAP S/4HANA Cloud also supports the advanced technology sector in financial management. The SAP high tech system facilitates cost optimization by quickly identifying areas where expenses can be reduced. By automating financial processes, it helps reduce errors and increase operational efficiency. SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a cloud solution. No investment in hardware is required to implement the tool. The scalability of the system allows IT resources to be adapted to changing needs, increasing the flexibility of cost management according to current demand.

In addition, SAP makes it easier for technology companies to take advantage of risk sharing models by providing access to integrated data sharing tools. This promotes collaboration with business partners. The platform facilitates rapid decision-making and strategic planning in partnerships, enabling better financial management and minimizing potential losses.

S/4HANA Cloud – SAP for IT resource management

SAP S/4HANA Cloud has a modular structure that allows technology companies to tailor the system to their specific needs. The cloud scalability of the tool enables rapid expansion or reduction of IT resources in connection with planned acquisitions or divestitures. This is an opportunity to decrease infrastructure costs while shortening the time it takes to make changes and implement new solutions. The platform is equipped with advanced integration tools enable rapid connection of systems and applications within newly created organizational structures.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud also provides access to pre-built integration scenarios. The automation of integration processes ensures that the consolidation of new business units runs smoothly and without disruptions. It is a way to transfer the necessary IT resources without lengthy procedures and to minimize downtime.

Supply chain resilience with SAP high tech tools

SAP provides access to many capabilities that enable real-time inventory planning and demand forecasting. This allows technology companies to adapt their strategies to current market conditions and changing trends. As a result, the risk of component surpluses or shortages is minimized. The platform helps increase control over all aspects of supply chain management – not just planning, but also production and logistics. Its implementation makes it easier for technology companies to maintain business continuity.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud streamlines collaboration with suppliers by facilitating quick establishment and effective management of relationships. The system provides easy access to a wide network of suppliers and advanced spend analysis tools. It makes it easier to identify alternative sources of supply and helps minimize the impact of supply chain disruptions on production.

SAP for high tech – implementation

Implementing the advanced SAP S/4HANA Cloud solution brings many benefits. According to the research conducted by SAP in 2023, the system helps reduce revenue losses due to stock shortages by 1-30%. It also improves customer satisfaction (15-40%), reduces inventory carrying costs (1-25%), and shortens time to market for new products (1-8%). Moreover, SAP S/4HANA Cloud improves sales performance by 5-15%.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – access to intelligent solutions

SAP high tech solutions enable companies to bring new products to market faster, reduce development costs, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Implementation of the tool is associated with increased customer satisfaction due to efficient order fulfillment and the ability to adapt production to demand. SAP S/4HANA Cloud is the path to more effective quality management and reduced performance constraints. The use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IoT makes it possible to offer customers integrated solutions that include not only physical goods, but also subscriptions and projects. The flexible service contract management process, in turn, helps increase service revenue and eliminate problems with the execution of transactions in this area.

Conversion to SAP S/4HANA and rollout

Sharp – a global technology giant with over a century of tradition and experience in all areas of product development and design.

Hicron experts were tasked with transferring functionalities from the old system and implementing the critical ones for S4. Their main focus was on customizing the Fiori application and removing unnecessary, unused, or outdated features and extensions, which improved performance across the board.

Hicron – discover the world of SAP with us

Digital evolution with an experienced partner
Discover the wide range of capabilities that SAP offers by working with a trusted and experienced partner. Hicron stands out on the market thanks to its personalized approach to every client and the highest quality of SAP S/4HANA implementation support. We focus on innovative solutions and value open communication.
International experience
We have extensive experience implementing SAP solutions for companies of all sizes and industries, operating on both local and global markets. We share our knowledge and skills with clients around the world. The Hicron team is committed to providing solutions tailored to the individual needs of our clients, working with passion to exceed their expectations.
Comprehensive support
We are ready to assist you not only with the implementation, but also operation and maintenance of your system. We provide professional support for advanced SAP S/4HANA solutions. Our competences are confirmed by numerous certificates, such as PCoE (Partner Center of Expertise) and TISAX. Do not hesitate to contact our experts.

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