SAP for oil & gas and energy industry

SAP for oil & gas and energy industry

On the threshold of energy transformation

The current shift toward green solutions and renewable energy sources presents many challenges to the fuel and energy industry. Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are still the main source of revenue for many companies in this sector. Efforts to diversify revenue streams and the need to implement energy transformation usually involve high costs, including the need to build new infrastructure (wind farms, solar panels, energy storage). A strategic approach to change and effective process management are essential.

Additionally, obtaining energy from renewable sources presents challenges in terms of reliability of supply. Companies in the fuel and energy sector also need to face new players in the renewable energy market. In order to remain competitive and profitable, they are turning to advanced technology to improve service quality and increase operational efficiency.

Volatility of energy resource prices

The prices of energy resources are influenced by geopolitical, economic, and environmental factors, among others. This makes them susceptible to fluctuations and creates a risk of financial instability and difficulties in long-term planning for the fuel and energy industry. Another challenge for companies whose profits are driven by fossil fuels is the potential decline in demand for traditional energy sources as a result of the growing environmental awareness among customers and the introduction of legislation in many countries to limit carbon dioxide emissions. The need to adapt to new environmental standards is associated with high costs for upgrading existing infrastructure.

Merger and acquisition process management

The shift to renewable energy sources and changes in the global political and economic landscape are driving many companies in the fuel and energy sector to restructure. In search of new growth opportunities and revenue diversification, they are turning to mergers and acquisitions. However, integrating different organizational cultures, systems, and business processes is challenging and requires the implementation of complex and time-consuming changes.

Inefficient management of M&A processes can lead to operational disruptions, increased employee uncertainty, and loss of value. Successful integration of business entities requires a strategic approach to M&A management and the ability to adapt quickly to market conditions.

Power grid security

Power grids are increasingly the target of cyber-attacks. This results in energy disruptions, infrastructure damage, and data theft. Managing network security is another challenge facing the fuel and energy industry. To improve it while reducing the risk of hacking and the related system outages, companies are turning to advanced technology.

Monitoring the security of complex energy infrastructure helps protect against not only cyber-attacks, but also physical threats associated with natural disasters. In order to meet stringent regulatory security requirements, fuel and energy companies are forced to make costly changes.

SAP energy and fuel industry solutions – supporting digital transformation

Digital transformation is helping fuel and energy companies gain greater control over their business processes. SAP is an advanced cloud ERP system that simplifies business management and helps improve operational efficiency. SAP is an effective way to integrate data, ensuring its consistency and security. It unifies the IT landscape into a single platform with multiple functionalities. It also provides access to analytical tools to forecast market trends and identify areas for improvement.

SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud
SAP S/4 HANA Private Cloud

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – access to industry best practices

SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a pre-configured tool that provides flexibility and scalability for fuel and energy companies. Thanks to its modular structure, the system can be easily adapted to the current needs of the company, and changes can be introduced gradually as the enterprise evolves. SAP S/4HANA uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things to automate business processes and ensure efficient operations.

S/4HANA Cloud – SAP energy for sustainable business growth

SAP S/4HANA Cloud makes it easier to develop solutions for the transition to renewable energy. The SAP energy management cloud solution facilitates innovation and helps monitor and manage energy systems to increase efficiency. It also enables the alignment of activities with applicable standards and regulations.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud can help fuel and energy companies implement a sustainable operating model. It also provides tools for tracking energy consumption and managing energy assets. The system promotes improved environmental, health, and safety performance while reducing operational risk. Optimize and automate operations to reduce costs and improve financial stability, and use advanced analytics to predict trends and respond quickly to stay ahead of the competition.

Effective risk management with SAP oil and gas solutions

The capabilities of the SAP system help fuel and energy companies meet the challenge of volatile energy resource prices. They increase the effectiveness of risk management. The ability to analyze data in real time makes it easier to monitor price trends and make the right business decisions. Access to advanced risk management tools helps identify and minimize the impact of price fluctuations. It also allows you to plan your spending more effectively.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud means greater protection against unpredictable market changes. The system also supports supply chain optimization, making it easier to manage logistics and reduce costs. With integrated financial planning tools, companies can easily adjust their budgets to forecast changes in resource prices.

Oil and gas SAP S/4HANA Cloud solutions – streamlining merger and acquisition processes

Mergers and acquisitions are complex processes that require significant time and financial resources. However, SAP S/4HANA Cloud helps streamline them by ensuring effective integration of information from connected systems. Data integration using automated tools ensures its consistency and makes it easier for teams from different business entities to manage projects related to mergers or acquisitions. It is also a way to efficiently coordinate activities across the organization and communicate effectively between employees, regardless of location.

The SAP S/4HANA Cloud system is equipped with risk assessment tools that make it easier to identify potential threats associated with the planned mergers or acquisitions. In turn, real-time data analysis enables immediate evaluation of the financial health and operational efficiency of companies that are the subject of a merger or acquisition. The advanced cloud solution accelerates the achievement of synergy and helps increase shareholder value.

SAP energy network security solutions

SAP S/4HANA Cloud supports fuel and energy companies in their efforts to increase the security of energy networks. The SAP energy management system automatically generates alerts when irregularities are detected, enabling immediate corrective action. This minimizes the risk of power outages and ensures business continuity.

By integrating SAP’s advanced cloud solution with IoT devices, fuel and energy companies can gain access to detailed data about the health of networks and equipment. Threat detection systems monitor the grid for unusual activity and potential attacks, while advanced cyber defenses effectively prevent them. Analysis of current and historical data enables maintenance planning, thus avoiding downtime costs.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – implementation benefits in numbers

There is no doubt that the SAP system supports companies in the fuel and energy industry in managing processes, planning activities, and achieving set goals. According to research conducted by SAP in 2023, the solution can increase the percentage of projects delivered on time, on budget, and within scope by 5-30%. It also helps increase revenues by introducing new services or products (2-10%). Implementing the system means reducing compliance and risk management costs by as much as 5-50%! It also helps improve on-time delivery (5-30%).

SAP for oil & gas and energy industry – comprehensive tool for planning and management

SAP S/4HANA Cloud is an innovative platform that integrates business processes, streamlines the flow of information between departments, and increases operational efficiency. It provides access to an advanced set of capabilities that enable you to monitor key performance indicators, optimize your supply chain, and respond quickly to market conditions.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud can help fuel and energy companies make better strategic decisions by analyzing data in real time. It also provides a collaboration network for oilfield equipment data, facilitates risk management, and increases inventory visibility. The list of benefits from implementing an advanced cloud solution is very long.

Case study

DUON operates in the gas and electricity markets and their distribution. They have been cooperating with Hicron since 2008. Over the years, we have successfully completed projects related to the implementation of a billing solution in the SAP system, SAP solution rollouts, system development, BW reports, and Workflow applications.

The biggest challenge in our industry is the need to bill thousands of customers simultaneously. Therefore, the utility sales solution must first integrate with the meters to automatically calculate the amount due based on pre-defined algorithms; second, it must be prepared to send millions of records simultaneously; and third, it must be flexible enough to allow us to change all sales parameters ourselves. There are many other processes involved, such as network and connection organization and meter management.

Piotr Szczepaniak
IT Manager in DUON
Interfaces in SAP Cloud Platform

Gasag AG was looking for a reliable Partner with knowledge in SAP Cloud Platform area to migrate 80 interfaces from PI/PO technology to SCP.

Thanks to Hicron commitment and reliable diagnoses – the project is progressing steadily and we have a sense of security. This is particularly important to us, because the interfaces transferred to SCP relate to solutions for key areas for our business, including placing orders, settlements with clients and offices, and archiving invoices.

IT Director at GASAG AG

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Discover the full potential of SAP with the support of a proven and experienced partner. Hicron is a company that stands out on the market thanks to its individual approach to every client. We offer professional assistance in the implementation of SAP S/4HANA. We are open to innovation and value transparent communication. All this to ensure a smooth and pleasant cooperation.
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Hicron’s specialists are determined and committed to providing solutions perfectly tailored to the needs of our clients. We work with passion to exceed their expectations. Our experience includes SAP implementations for small and large companies from various industries, operating both domestically and internationally.
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If you need support in implementing or operating an SAP system, we are here to help. We provide our partners with comprehensive assistance in using the advanced SAP S/4HANA solution. Hicron’s competences are confirmed by numerous certificates, including PCoE (Partner Center of Expertise) and TISAX. Do not hesitate to contact our experts.

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