SAP for retail and e-commerce

SAP for retail and e-commerce

Retail and ecommerce – challenges and opportunities

Rapidly changing demand, rising costs of customer acquisition, difficulties in predicting their expectations and maintaining loyalty are the challenges that the retail and ecommerce sectors are facing today. In addition, the dynamics of online, mobile, and discount sales require retailers to be innovative and open to new business models. While access to new sales channels offers many opportunities, it also forces companies to make significant changes to their operations. This task is made easier by advanced technologies and tools that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Toward sustainable development

In order to meet customer expectations, retail and ecommerce companies are taking steps to incorporate green practices into their operations. The goal is to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprint. However, implementing sustainable solutions typically comes at a higher cost, which can make it difficult to remain price competitive.

The shift toward sustainability also requires greater control over the supply chain and investment in innovative technologies. As more and more countries decide to legislate sustainable practices, retail and ecommerce companies have no choice but to adapt.

Inflationary pressure and rising costs

Another challenge for retail and ecommerce is rising inflation. It drives up the cost of raw materials, energy, transportation, and human resources, directly impacting the profit margins of companies forced to balance competitive pricing with maintaining profitability. The rising costs also affect inventory management. Companies are trying to stop accumulating excess inventory in order to reduce expenses.

Inflationary pressures are also affecting consumer purchasing power. The rising prices of goods and services can reduce their ability to buy, which in turn poses a significant challenge to retail sales. In order to cope with the current situation and maintain a stable position on the market, it is essential to have a flexible approach to pricing strategies and the ability to react quickly to changes. Staying competitive requires effective cost management and innovative solutions.

Changing customer preferences

The rapidly changing customer preferences and expectations are forcing retail and ecommerce companies to change their offerings frequently and adapt to current trends. Building the loyalty of consumers, who compare online offers and choose the best deals, is also becoming a challenge. Easy and quick access to multiple options is not conducive to maintaining engagement and building lasting relationships with customers. This is why managing and communicating with them is so important. However, this is extremely time consuming and requires the commitment of appropriate resources. The expectations associated with personalizing the shopping experience are forcing retail and ecommerce companies to use advanced technology to perform in-depth data analyses.

SAP for retail industry and ecommerce – integrated management

To meet today’s challenges in retail and ecommerce, it is essential to have greater control over all aspects of company operations and manage them in an integrated manner. SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a ready-to-run ERP system in the cloud that enables improved operational efficiency and better coordination of activities. SAP for retail and ecommerce includes pre-configured industry best practice processes. This helps standardize them and increase the consistency of activities across the organization.

SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud
SAP S/4 HANA Private Cloud

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – real-time access to data

What sets SAP S/4HANA Cloud apart is its flexibility and scalability. The system has a modular structure, so it can be adapted to the needs of the company and the current market situation. It provides easy access to real-time data, which helps respond more quickly to changes and make better business decisions.

S/4HANA Cloud – SAP for e-commerce and retail

SAP S/4HANA Cloud helps retail and ecommerce companies meet the many challenges they face. The system is equipped with advanced analysis tools. It automates and improves business processes using artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is an innovative and comprehensive software for commerce that grows with your company and supports new business models.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a multichannel platform that lets you improve sales and distribution processes across all dimensions. The system helps increase service quality and facilitates demand forecasting and trend prediction. It allows you to plan supply chains more efficiently and manage operational risks.

S/4HANA Cloud – SAP for e-commerce

SAP supports the sustainable development of retail and ecommerce. The system makes it easier to implement green solutions. The ability to optimize the supply chain helps achieve goals such as reducing carbon emissions or energy consumption. SAP S/4HANA Cloud enables monitoring and reporting of sustainability metrics, so companies can track their environmental impact and take corrective actions quickly.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud is an effective tool for managing waste and energy consumption and identifying areas for energy savings. SAP gives users the ability to track the origin and certification of products, which helps build trust and loyalty with customers.

SAP S/4HANA for cost optimization

The SAP S 4HANA retail and e-commerce system is equipped with advanced cost analysis tools that enable companies to identify areas where savings can be made. Inventory management capabilities help you maintain optimal inventory levels, minimizing storage costs and the risk of overstocking.

Automating business processes also reduces costs. It frees employees from routine tasks and allows them to focus on strategic, high-value activities. To help companies adapt quickly to changing market conditions and stay competitive, SAP S/4HANA Cloud enables the implementation of dynamic pricing strategies.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud – meeting customer expectations

The ability to analyze data in real time makes it possible to quickly identify changing trends and customer preferences. The SAP S/4HANA Cloud system supports customer experience management by integrating different sales and communication channels. It also enables faster response to customer needs through integration with other systems and platforms, which facilitates better data management.

The advanced cloud solution enables the personalization of offers and marketing campaigns, which in turn makes it easier to adapt to individual customer needs and helps increase customer engagement and loyalty. Additionally, SAP for e-commerce supports operational flexibility, enabling rapid strategic and operational changes in the dynamic ecommerce environment. SAP S/4HANA Cloud increases a company’s ability to adapt and supports the innovation needed to meet growing customer expectations.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud in research

Based on the research conducted by SAP in 2023, there are many benefits to implementing a cloud solution. According to the data obtained, the system makes it possible to reduce the loss of revenue caused by order fulfillment problems by 10-20%. It also helps improve customer satisfaction by as much as 15-40%. With SAP S/4HANA Cloud, revenues from new products and services increase (2-10%) and inventory costs are reduced (1-15%). The platform can improve on-time delivery by 5-30% and reduce carbon footprint by 15-20%. SAP for retail industry and e-commerce also improves the accuracy of sales forecasts (by 3-35%) and reduces financial costs by 2-20%.

SAP supports innovation

Innovation and openness to change are the keys to success for companies in the retail and ecommerce sectors. The flexible architecture of SAP S/4HANA Cloud makes it easier to implement new solutions and technologies, and to introduce changes without a large financial and time investment. The cloud platform ensures rapid scaling and easy adaptation to new challenges. By supporting collaboration between departments and business partners, the system promotes the exchange of ideas and improvements.

The numerous functionalities of SAP S/4HANA Cloud help businesses become more competitive, develop innovative strategies, and build resilience to dynamic changes.

Hicron – working for your success

Support from an experienced partner
Immerse yourself in the world of SAP retail store solutions and SAP for e-commerce. Choose an experienced and trusted company to guide you. Hicron specialists focus on individual approach to every Client and provide professional support in the SAP S/4HANA implementation process. We guarantee openness to unconventional solutions and transparent communication.
Projects with an international scope
We have completed SAP implementations for small and large enterprises from various industries. We work not only with companies in the country, but also on the international market, sharing our expertise and skills with our Clients. What sets us apart is our commitment and determination to deliver solutions tailored to your needs. We work with passion to meet the expectations of our Clients.
Comprehensive support
Need help with system implementation? Or maybe support in using it? You can count on our help. We provide our Partners with multi-directional support in working with the advanced SAP S/4HANA solution. Our competences are confirmed by numerous certificates, e.g. PCoE (Partner Center of Expertise) and TISAX. Do not hesitate to contact our specialists.

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