Everything matters
When choosing a partner to implement a roll-out, we should follow his holistic approach to the client. Of course, what matters is the attitude of the service company. Its ambitions, diligence, and empathy of the team. But that’s not all. You’ll need a proven methodology and responsibility for the entire process. Moreover: not practicing the so-called body-leasing, which does not take the quality of work performed as a superior value.
It is obvious that by choosing a partner with experience and appropriate competencies, the company reduces the risk associated with similar projects. But it is not everything. Such a choice will also influence the optimization of the project costs, the reduction of its implementation time, and the burden on the business and its internal departments: – The cost is not equal to the project budget. In many cases, by increasing the roll-out budget, we are even able to reduce its costs. By eliminating risks and shortening the implementation time, we are making savings – comments Michał Guzek, CEO of Hicron. For the customer to feel safe with us from the very beginning, we offer Application Management Services.
Hicron – from VisiON Architect to SolutiON Maker
At Hicron, we think long term. We use proven best practices. If we are convinced of the effectiveness of the idea – we propose unique solutions. According to our slogan – we are vision designers but also practitioners who can implement and maintain it.
Carrying out a roll-out to several dozen markets is an extremely demanding and fascinating task! As a partner, we offer extensive knowledge and experience in this area. We help to reuse proven solutions, advise on how not to duplicate work and how to multiply the effects on many locations. We adjust ready-made elements to other companies. Each situation requires a dedicated approach and a tailored scheme of operation. This is a combination of experience, market knowledge, and a wide business perspective – says Michał Guzek, CEO of Hicron.
We also take care of a single point of contact (Service Delivery Executive). That means that after accepting a new client, we appoint one contact person on both sides. It handles access, organization, planning, and knowledge transfer. It shortens the communication distance and saves reaction time. We focus on a simple contact path, instead of a multi-level one, popular in large corporations. When working with an intermediary, we choose a liaison with the end customer.
At Hicron, we create teams dedicated to a specific client – depending on the scope of the project. Our team establishes a relationship with the client, which is extremely important to us -both in the nearshoring model and direct cooperation. An important aspect for us is getting to know both teams – sometimes in the form of an integration meeting, formal or not.
We take care of what we started
Getting off to a good start is not enough. Although the first impression is said to be the most important thing, we are not resting on our laurels. We value the knowledge transfer within the company. We provide backup in the team, for example in the event of holidays or layoffs.
We operate based on SLA agreements. We set the client’s requirements at the very beginning and plan the composition and activities of the project team with them. We also prepare a transition e-plan, and a dedicated team knows both technical and non-technical customer challenges. A good, current example is the forced staff shortage among many industries during the pandemic.
Our work is not dependent on epidemic regulations. We work both on-site and remotely. We are flexible and dynamic. We adjust the number of meetings and people taking part in them to the needs. We do not involve all team members in every meeting with the client. In the remaining time employees can focus on solving substantive problems on a current basis. In turn, a project manager is appointed for administrative matters.
Quick reports = quick reactions
Our services also include the development of an original ticket system. The implementation time is from one to three months. It allows for quick reporting of incidents or failures that reach people competent in a given topic in the shortest possible time. Jira is a transparent and intuitive system that we also use inside our organization, but we have experience at handling many others, including Atmosfera, Omnitracker, Service Center, Service Center 2, Manage Engine, Remedy, Mantis, ESP, HP Service Manager.
As you can see in Hicron, experience meets passion, commitment, and ongoing improvements. – There are many challenges faced by the company implementing the system in its subsidiary. The purpose of the roll-out is to centralize the software infrastructure. That leads to the standardization of processes. Unified processes better permeate each other and their costs decrease. But it should be remembered that standardization is in opposition to the unique requirements of the local market. The biggest challenge is to find a balance between the local and global perspectives. An experienced partner – such as Hicron – helps in balancing these dependencies – argues Michał Guzek. We rely on the best practices, but we are open to new achievements in technology and business management. We are not afraid of changes in the business. We are the answer to them.