The SAP HCM solution in the scope of HR, work time and payroll with SAP Fiori interface with the function of employee self-service contained standard client applications as well as Hicron products dedicated for the HCM module. The system was launched in December 2021.
Centralized system with employee self-service

The SuperDrob Capital Group is a fast developing family of companies which provide an uninterrupted production chain from basic raw materials to processed food products. In turn, CPF Poland is a world leader of an integrated agro-industrial and food activity, which includes livestock farming and aquaculture. Because these structures are fused this way, the Client had been looking for a system to support the HR department for all the units of the centralized system.
SAP solutions provide access to the newest technology and opportunity to develop the system and add other core areas: sales, accounting, logistics, production etc., which proved very important for the Client. – This technology is reliable and developed in Poland, thanks to which SAP systems are also updated in accordance with legal provisions and possible changes in provisions, relevant to a given area of a company – the Key Account Manager of Hicron explains.
GK SuperDrob and CPF Poland are experienced companies with demanding, complex processes, which also had to be adjusted to the reality of all units, the activities of which are very different from each other (production, import and distribution, processing, etc.).
Comfortable in service and… self-service!
During the implementation process, we took care not only of the functionality, but also comfort: – A very important aspect of implementation is employee self-service with a user-friendly interface, which allows for streamlining the process of applying and eliminating paper forms – Paulina Kopcińska says.
An interface optimally designed in FIORI technology and mobile applications which enable employee self-service (view of data, applying for leave, employment process and granting bonus payment, applications for: changing employment conditions, concluding a contrate of mandate, terminating an employment contract, planning leave) facilitate work for every employee. Additionally, the system has a number of automations and integrations (e-PITs, e-Declarations, e-PUE). – Over 1000 people use the applications launched while the implementation process, and the accounting concerns over 2000 people – Grzegorz Zubilewicz says about the scale of the project.
Challenges which motivate to action
A big challenge of project implementation was its remote form, which applied to all actions beyond trainings – says Paulina Kopcińska about the difficulties of the project, and then she adds: – However, because we are widely available online, it didn’t pose a big problem for us. Other challenges were among others: data migration, which required a huge input of work related to clearing the source data, standardizing workflow processes while accepting applications by defining system rules and changes connected to Polish Order, which involved the team to conduct many tests.
The system was launched at the end of 2021, after a yearly implementation period. As Hicron, we also provided help at launch and hyper care right after launch. – We provided the Client with a dedicated, competent and dynamic team, which was motivated by challenges – Paulina Kopcińska sums up.