Improving the specialist expertise of particular people and departments within the entire international structure is one of the most frequent steps towards business transformation. By harmonising their processes, large companies can create models of best practices for specific business areas: marketing, sales, finance and controlling, product development, production or centralised accounting and HR departments.
Digital Transformation and best business practices
In order to efficiently achieve its business objectives in modern times, a company has to build its processes around IT solutions. These solutions, in turn, force the company’s employees to adopt the expected behaviours (‘best practices’) in the given area.
Organisations frequently seek assistance with business transformation because they hope for quick growth or because they are getting ready for market expansion. It is at such times that it becomes necessary to standardise the company’s operations – creating new subsidiaries or taking over new companies may make it necessary to implement uniform rules for all teams in charge of specific processes throughout the organisation.
Developing a best practice model
In such a situation, developing the best practice model requires collecting various practices from a particular area of the company and using them to create an adequate, efficient and optimised procedure. At Hicron we carry out approximately 2 business transformations every year, worth several million Euro. We do this for large companies, frequently representing different markets, continents or cultures. Creating and implementing the model enables quicker and better integration on several dimensions: e.g. internal integration of all entities belonging to a particular group, or external integration of the business partners involved in a logistics chain around the processes critical to the business. When designing the best practice model, it is necessary to consider the legal environment and aspects specific to a particular market that may affect the business. Consequently, the model has to be flexible enough to enable development in any direction without adversely affecting the entire solution, which is very often implemented as part of a single system.