How technologies influence our loyalty?
The consumer market is full of trade offers, promotions and discounts, of which the sheer number may overwhelm many clients. It is the products of the lowest price that are often chosen from many offers of different brands and products, which are in many cases very similar to one another. However, the brand awareness, the values promoted by the brand, philosophy and, consequently, loyalty, are sometimes lost in this price war.
Loyalty in the automotive industry
This problem is tackled by the automotive sector to a large extent. A car is a long-term investment, which is why car dealers focus on comprehensive services, running Authorized Workshops dedicated to cars of a given make, serviced with the use of original parts and components. However, after the expiry of the guarantee period, some clients choose independent workshops, which make dealers lose a chance to keep in contact with the client, and, consequently, a chance to convince the client to choose the same brand at the time of the next purchase. Thus, is there any room for “love” to a brand in the times of fierce competition?