SAP Work Zone: a new quality of teamwork

Behind the success of any large organization are the people who usually work in teams. Probably every entrepreneur wants their employees to work like gears in the best watches. However, this is not always the case, thereby compromising not only projects or communication, but also the business itself. Effectiveness and commitment to work does not depend only on employees and their skills. The success of projects implemented by teams is primarily affected by the organization of their work.

In order to put the organization on a path to success and ensure a comfortable and stimulating working environment, it is necessary to equip employees with tools that will streamline and support their actions. This is the kind of assistance that SAP Work Zone provides.

What is SAP Work Zone?

Work Zone is an SAP SuccessFactors module designed to streamline the work of teams in an organization.  Its aim is to provide users with a convenient and highly functional space for managing and developing projects, communicating with other members of the team, and tracking progress. This system, if properly implemented, guarantees an increase in productivity and business efficiency. It also provides teams performing particular activities with appropriate and functional tools, thereby ensuring better productivity. This tool is compatibile with other business applications and SAP applications. The ability to create work areas, ensuring the order of specific steps, as well as their independent management, translates into convenience and satisfaction resulting from efficiency in task performance.

SAP Work Zone is also a social space for communicating with colleagues in chat or commenting on specific elements of a project. These functions give teams a sense of control over their work and a great deal of comfort, thereby motivating them to continue contributing to the development of the organization.

The best features of SAP Work Zone

Efficient flow of information and transfer of knowledge about the progress of project implementation is important for every department in an organization. However, it is of particular importance for the HR department, which is not always obvious to everyone. The task of the HR team is to take care of the employee and ensure equal opportunities for knowledge acquisition for everyone. These SAP Work Zone functions will support your HR.

Granting access to information and applications depending on assigned roles:

  • only authorized users have access to specific data,
  • access to the launchpad and applications in one centralized location,
  • ability to integrate SAP and other local services in the cloud and get the access to relevant business applications.

Customized, engaging, and personalized work spaces for users:

  • quick access to the most useful tools,
  •  ability to customize the work spaces of teams and departments using “drag&drop” functionality,
  • access and ability to create smart recommendations based on user actions, conversations, and content views,
  • increase of user productivity.

The ability to search, share, and discuss data:

  • easy search for information across the organization with advanced indexing and document search,
  • user database you can browse to find profiles based on specific criteria (for example, searching for a user with specific skills/characteristics); access to user expertise and expert articles,
  • quick and intuitive access to information and tools thanks to thematic work spaces.

Extensible functionality:

  • satisfying users’ unique business needs by adding new functionalities to SAP Work Zone,
  • ability to incorporate to the SAP Business Technology Platform module to streamline and automate business processes,
  • user integration cards enabling to create and share business content in an easy and consistent manner.

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Key benefits of SAP Work Zone

The functions of the module translate into benefits for users, some of which are immediately noticeable. However, this system also yields long-term benefits that will strengthen not only employee teams, but also the organization itself. Here are just a few examples:

  • providing every user with a customizable, fast, and convenient intranet, integrated with SAP services and applications, using “drag&drop” functionality,
  • increasing employee efficiency and productivity by reducing the time it takes to find information and experts,
  • minimizing the cost of tools for teams – SAP Work Zone is an all-in-one solution – no need to support employees with other applications,
  • providing employees with self-sufficiency by creating conditions for communicating, sharing files and information on their own terms, without the need to consult or ask for help from the IT department or external support,
  • streamlining business processes and minimizing errors,
  • possibility to automate business processes after implementing SAP Business Portal,
  • simplifying complex tasks with the user experience guide functionality,
  • ability to create step-by-step instructions to guide the user through complex tasks and forms to help them complete the task correctly the first time,
  • option of mobile management of software for remote and field users, providing seamless access to the entire organization also for those who do not have a dedicated computer or mobile device.

SAP Work Zone instead of SAP Jam

SAP Jam will soon be replaced by SAP Work Zone. The producer plans to withdraw SAP Jam from the market in 2027. However, this does not mean that the functionalities and key features of the previous application will be forgotten. They will be preserved in SAP Work Zone. The new system will feature the same – but improved – functionalities and new ones. The tool is available in a monthly subscription model.

Implementing SAP Work Zone with Hicron

As winners of the SAP Gold Partner title, we know how to properly, effectively, and efficiently prepare an organization for SAP system implementation. We have comprehensive experience in working with both small and large enterprises. Thus, we are aware of the problems that different-sized teams face, and we understand their business strategies and needs. Moreover, we have implemented SAP systems and the SAP SuccessFactors modules for our teams, so we approach each process individually, knowing that everyone is different.

If you require expert advice or want to implement SAP Work Zone with Hicron, please contact our specialists. Together we will improve your digital workplace experience.

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