Volvo Construction Equipment

SAP rollout to a new facility in Russia
Implementation of management standards in a new company taking into account the local requirements
In connection with a new investment – the launch of a production plant in Kaluga, Russia – it was necessary to rollout the SAP system taking into account the local requirements. Volvo CE set itself the goal of unifying business processes across the group. This task was entrusted to the Hicron team.
01 Case study
One of the most difficult challenges in rollout projects is the need to take into account the legal landscape of the country in which the implementation is to take place. When transferring the model solution to Russia, it was necessary to pay special attention to adjusting the system to the applicable regulations, for example concerning raw material import management. The experience of Hicron consultants in carrying out rollouts and their extensive knowledge of the operation of companies abroad translated into high efficiency of project implementation.
Hicron participated in the transfer of the SAP solution in the areas of sales and distribution, procurement, and materials management to the new Volvo CE factory in Russia. The Volvo CE production plant in Kaluga is a new investment of the Volvo Group, and from its very beginning the SAP system has become the basic tool for handling all processes.
Hicron, Volvo IT, and Volvo CE worked on the project. The main task of Hicron consultants was to analyze the processes in the German company and adjust them to the Russian factory in accordance with the provided template. This analysis was also intended to indicate those areas of the system where the template had to be modified to match the local requirements.
Implementation benefits:
- bypassing the time-consuming processes involved in designing a separate system for the Russian factory
- guarantee of business development based on proven and best practices tested in the German company
- identifying opportunities for improvement of already existing processes
- adjusting the system to local regulations in the field of raw material import and printout formulation
- automation of sales processes, including improvement of price list management
- creating a material base that allows goods to be traded between individual facilities and external suppliers
- minimizing the possibility of errors and mistakes, especially in the handling of sales processes
- shortening task completion time
- standardization of processes within the entire Volvo CE group
The transfer of the German solution allowed Volvo CE to skip the time-consuming processes of designing a separate model for the Russian factory. The rollout of the system to Russia was also a guarantee of business development based on proven and best practices tested in the German company.