SAP Real Estate Management

A solution for large multi-branch companies and retail chains, which combines a multitude of storage areas used alone or made available to tenants. SAP REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT helps to manage assets in the financial, technical, and sales sense. Our experience includes over 20 implementation, development, and integration projects completed successfully in Europe.
SAP Real Estate Management

About SAP Re-FX

SAP Real Estate Management (SAP RE-FX) solution is designed for big, multi-division companies and retail chains, which share a multitude of storage areas provided to lessees and utilised by those companies (warehouses, plants, points of sales). SAP Real Estate Management (SAP RE-FX) aids in asset management in a financial (viability review), technical (reviews), and sale (lease contracts clearance) sense.

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SAP Real Estate Management project carried out by Hicron
#1 SAP Partner for SAP RE-FX projects in Poland, awarded with the title SAP Recognized Expertise in Real Estate Management
What is SAP in real estate? SAP helps companies in real estate services management and cost reduction thanks to SAP Real Estate Management solution (known as SAP Real Estate Flexible – SAP RE-FX under SAP ECC 6.0). With a simple licensing model and quick implementation services, it is available in the on-premise implementation model and in Cloud. SAP Real Estate Management functionalities available within the SAP S/4HANA solution help streamline residential and commercial real estate processes. Among business processes available in SAP Real Estate Management there are: - real estate objects management (access to master data, creating and managing real estate objects) - contract management (managing contracts including lease-in, lease-out, customer and vendor contracts, various rental objects for different business units or entities, compliance with government regulations like IFRS16) - space optimization (unusual architectural structures and technical features, visual presentation of objects via data exchange with external graphic systems) - centralized business processes (reports, controlling, planning and controlling new investments, maintenance and modernisation, management of purchase order processing for real estate maintenance) - analytical features
What is SAP Flexible Real Estate Management? Flexible Real Estate Management within SAP S/4HANA is a fully integrated management software for real estate management which provides a comprehensive view of various business transactions related to it. It supports companies in real estate management cycle starting from its purchase, through administration and maintenance, to costs and income planning. It can be used to manage real estate that is a part of a company’s infrastructure as well as entities that are leased or rented to/from other companies for profit purposes, by both private and public companies. Hicron experience covers implementation and development of SAP Real Estate Management solution in various European organisations: manufacturing and telecommunication companies, banks, shopping centers, railways, oil/gas/petrol companies and local government units.

SAP Recognized Expertise

SAP has recognized the competence of Hicron in the area of SAP Real Estate Management solution with a title SAP Recognized Expertise. In order to receive this certification, we were required to submit customer references with good or very good opinions on cooperation and prove qualification in a form of certifications and trainings in this particular area.

We have been focusing on integrating systems with new environments, designing dedicated cockpits to automate booking processes, as well as developing and supplementing the standard functionalities of SAP RE-FX. The challenges we have accepted include integration of SAP solutions with the IFRS16 standard, in response to amendments introduced by the International Accounting Standards Committee on 1 January 2019

real estate management re-fx

We opted for SAP and Hicron in order to achieve a high level of integration between a specialized application and our processes and value transfers

noted one of our clients, justifying their choice of Hicron as implementation partner. The customer evaluated the competence of our company as “very satisfactory”.

Solution benefits

Cost reduction
Reduction of administrative and accounting costs related to property management (ERP system integration, document management solutions, service providers relations) is the key advantage of the solution, as well as per unit property cost clearance process standardisation and improvement (contract and invoice generation, reports, maintenance contracts).
Access to Best Practices
SAP RE-FX is a single, consistent property database which gives reliable information about property effectiveness (reporting, cost versus income overview, investment profitability analysis). It helps to organize the property lifecycle management process and guarantees easy transfer of knowledge to subsequent employees.
Complete tool
SAP Real Estate Management (SAP RE-FX) is a complete tool for controlling and reporting data in the area of ​​real estate and provides security for compliance of property management with company procedures in all aspects.
Mobile access and integration
Implementation of the SAP Real Estate Management version for the mobile solution based on Fiori gives possibility of remote access to solution features.

Thanks to an integration with Microsoft Office tools, SAP REFX solution can be used directly in communication with customers and contractors working at particular facilities. There is also an option to generate dynamic Excel reports or MS Word correspondence, which facilitates SAP REFX data.


Paweł Kresak
Partner, Hicron

For what companies

SAP  REFX is a solution successfully used by companies representing many industries, including:

Retail and shopping malls
Energy industry
Industrial production

What all these companies have in common is their multitude of sites, warehouses, plants, divisions or stores located in own or rented facilities. SAP Real Estate Management facilitates property management, which in turn encourages cost reduction connected with real estate maintenance and to estimate the profitability of particular sites. SAP Real Estate Management solution enables the realisation of business objectives in companies of different business profiles, depending on their preference.

Swiss-specific SAP RE-FX adaptation

Because of its huge and complicated technical infrastructure combined with rental, lease, and energy costs, one of Hicron’s Swiss clients felt the need to implement effective real estate management software – SAP RE-FX.

Due to the architecture of the Client’s system, it was necessary to ensure the consistency of data entered into SAP, sent to individual properties, and integrated with Business Partner data. The biggest challenge was the storage and unification of bank accounts. It was necessary to design a path to verify whether the bank accounts of a property correspond to those linked to the contract in the Business Partner.

SAP Fiori app for RE-FX

PKP owns almost sixty thousand real estate objects. In order to streamline administrative processes, the company needed a powerful and intuitive solution. It was looking for a “mobile knowledge base” on facilities – so that an employee operating in the field could quickly receive a set of information about a given building or plot of land.

The price was not the only thing that mattered during the procedure. There were also criteria related to experience and an appropriate project team.

Michał Malarowicz
Deputy Project Manager at PKP PKP - Polish Railways
IFRS16 standards

Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group was looking for a provider with experience in undertaking complex projects in Real Estate area and who would have a vision of how the IFRS16 solution should be integrated with external solutions in such complex environment.

We have been cooperating with Hicron as our provider of SAP solutions in the field of managing properties for many years. We have a very professional and involved in-house team and rigorously defined requirements and these are our solid pillars for our cooperation.

Piotr Paduszyński
Head of SAP Systems Department at Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group Polsat Group
Swiss-specific SAP RE-FX adaptation

Because of its huge and complicated technical infrastructure combined with rental, lease, and energy costs, one of Hicron’s Swiss clients felt the need to implement effective real estate management software – SAP RE-FX.

Due to the architecture of the Client’s system, it was necessary to ensure the consistency of data entered into SAP, sent to individual properties, and integrated with Business Partner data. The biggest challenge was the storage and unification of bank accounts. It was necessary to design a path to verify whether the bank accounts of a property correspond to those linked to the contract in the Business Partner.

SAP Fiori app for RE-FX

PKP owns almost sixty thousand real estate objects. In order to streamline administrative processes, the company needed a powerful and intuitive solution. It was looking for a “mobile knowledge base” on facilities – so that an employee operating in the field could quickly receive a set of information about a given building or plot of land.

The price was not the only thing that mattered during the procedure. There were also criteria related to experience and an appropriate project team.

Michał Malarowicz
Deputy Project Manager at PKP PKP - Polish Railways

Why Hicron

We have carried out over 20 SAP Real Estate Management projects for large customers in Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic. Apart from implementation and development of SAP RE-FX solutions, we implemented such projects as:

  • Design and implementation of Fiori App to access functionalities of SAP Real Estate Management from mobile devices (project for Polish Railways)
  • Design and implementation of IFRS16 standards (Polsat Group and Play operating in media and telecommunication industry)
  • Integration with Hicron Document Management System which helps to manage documents (contracts, bills, invoices, orders, correspondence, photos, plans, drawings, projects) and documents’ structures within the SAP system (public sector, Switzerland)

Customer references and certification SAP Rccognized Expertise in Real Estate Management confirm our international experience and competence in the field of SAP RE-FX.

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