What is SAP?
SAP (Systems Applications Products) as a term relates to one of most popular ERP systems in the world, and is, at the same time, the name of its manufacturer. The abbreviation was derived from the company’s original name, which in German was “Systemanalyse Programmentwicklung” (System Analysis Program Development – SAP).
The primary role of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning software) is to bring together all processes in an organization (HR, financial, production, logistics, sales, and, customer service) into a single system. This leads to optimization as well as increased transparency and efficiency in every area of the enterprise, providing greater benefits with less workload.

SAP set the global standards for ERP systems and took them to the next level of innovation using machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). The most accurate answer to the question “SAP what is it?” is that an ERP system is by definition a piece of software used to manage business processes, increase their efficiency, and improve data flow in an organization. The data within a single platform can be related to purchases, logistics, or customer satisfaction, bringing all this information together into one interface. SAP ERP software is based on the introduction of central software, enabling employees to share data in real-time and thus avoid, for example, data duplication, increasing the effectiveness of communication and enterprise efficiency.
SAP systems come in three variants:
- cloud-based – SAP’s recommended approach, the software runs in a cloud from a selected provider, it is a popular model already employed by 23 million users
- on-premise – traditional model in which the software is installed in a location chosen by the organization, SAP is moving away from this way of deployment towards Cloud,
- hybrid – a combination of the above two variants
The primary role of an ERP system is to improve the management of business processes, including their automation, which ultimately leads to higher productivity and increased company profits. Not only does it allow you to map, design, and get to know them better, but also makes them shorter and more streamlined.
The common interface of the SAP system enables a simplification of the IT infrastructure and facilitates information flow, thus significantly reducing reporting and decision-making times. Deeper insight into data also means more reliable information, reducing the risk of error and providing maximum control. In times of dynamic growth, it is also extremely important to have the flexibility required to anticipate risks, prevent mistakes, and make the right decisions before the competition.