What challenges get in the way of quick profits of your Automotive business? Have a look at some of them.
In uncertain times it happens that companies cancel long term engagements which create obligations that are difficult to plan. At Hicron, we know these dependencies, therefore we provide opportunities that allow you to grow your business without signing up for long term engagements.

Application support

Implementation is not everything. An important aspect of SAP system maintenance is an permanent adjustment of the solution to users’ needs and changes in business. Here, the application support (SAP AMS) of Hicron proves incredibly important, because it develops software and helps on a daily basis. Without SAP AMS:

    • users’ queries connected to using SAP system and exceeding the SAP Maintenance area would go unaddressed,
    • use of the system would be limited due to users’ fear and lack of knowledge (therefore, an essential part of SAP AMS are trainings and instructions prepared by consultants upon customer request),
    • smaller but urgent development works would only be possible if an additional contract for each order was signed.

At Hicron, we regularly help in solving everyday problems related to work. We support system performance and react to users’ needs in the Automotive area, while also conducting smaller projects within a predetermined budget. Our knowledge from the Automotive area and experience allow us to implement optimizations which have an immediate effect. Learn more about the SAP support that we offer.

Reporting (including long term reporting to the head office)

Information of performance and effectiveness, as well as sources of costs and income allow for making business decisions more confidently and on time. Moreover, calculations based on quantitative or qualitative data provide reliable information on profitability and allow better planning for the future of the company. Without SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP PaPM:

  • the process of month end closing would take much more time,
  • predictions would remain difficult,
  • current data flow in real time would be impossible.

For our Clients, we prepare dedicated reports and what-if analysis tools, as well as create dedicated tools to automate even complex reporting, e.g. in PaPM solution. The detailed monthly report of production profitability at a single vehicle level for the Automotive corporation, which combines data from several systems, used to be created by manual transcription. Since we implemented our solution, data are uploaded automatically. Thus, we have shortened the time to prepare a report from a week to one day.
Learn more about:

SAP PaPM solutions SAP Analytics Cloud

Automation of service and warranty activities

Service activities and activities to replace defective parts in the Automotive industry are very lengthy – they can even last up to several years – and cumbersome, and the whole Automotive environment is affected: manufacturers, importers and dealer groups. At Hicron, thanks to Recall App, we have significantly accelerated this process. 

Thanks to the solution that we have implemented, we don’t have to use paper forms. All information and pictures are saved directly in the application integrated with the system. While scanning the VIN number and serial number of a component or entering them manually, the system prompts when the number is wrong – it is one example of time saving resulting from the use of Recall App to handle warranty processes. 
Read more about the application of Recall App.

We encountered the problem of faulty Takata airbags at our client in Australia in 2017, who had to replace nearly 300,000 vehicles. Taking our client’s technological resources into account, we prepared the Hicron Recall App, which helped the client replace the airbags several times faster and as accurately as possible
Janusz Wawrzyniak
Janusz Wawrzyniak
Solution Architect in Automotive and Logistics Team at Hicron
Let's go!

Online sales automation

Shopping cart analysis, increasing the performance of the platform and data integration (price, amount, availability, time to manufacture/deliver) with SAP system are important for importers of new and used vehicles, as well as component manufacturers and vehicle manufacturers. Therefore at Hicron, we bet on efficient and professional solutions, which allow for implementing online stores, e-commerce or marketplace. 


We have been driving the Automotive industry for over 16 years. How will we optimize the speed of your company development?

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A response to specific needs: variant configurator

Our experience in Automotive allow for responding to very specific needs connected to this branch of industry. Speeding up production processes is possible if we take the real customer demand into account. In the case of the variant configurator, implementation with additional modification significantly increases the functionality of the system. The variant configurator considerably simplifies the process of production and sales, thus helping to avoid many risks. Learn more about our Variant Configurator.

Throughout the three years of cooperation in SAP system development, Hicron consultants have proven their competences and understanding of our business not just once, especially in the Logistics area. That’s why we decided to entrust Hicron with the task to prepare and implement the variant configurator. Work on the solution went very smoothly, just as we expected.
Tomasz Włodarczak
the Director of IT Division at Novol

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